Wednesday, June 17, 2009

United By The Spirit; Set Apart To A Work!

In the name of Jesus, and with all Praise, Glory and to God the Father,

Operation Overlord Ministries thanks members, friends, and co-laborers in Christ for donating funds to assist us in reaching our first goal: We have now raised the $750 "user fee payment" required for processing our Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Please continue to view our website to keep abreast of future activity.

If you have questions, we may be reached by mail or phone.

Operation Overlord Ministries:

P.O. Box # 1935

Oak Park, Illinois, 60304

(314) 322-0916

We are faithfully your, and in all we do together, may God will be praised!

Operation Overlord Ministries

